Short Cut has the potential to be a very powerful card, but the reliability that a location would pop up that you want to say no to is rare. There are a couple silver bullet locations that completely take apart some decks or are in general just terrible, so running this just for insurance might be helpful. Cancelling an entire card is a powerful effect, and few cards do it, so if you're bringing Hobbits to a multiplayer game, consider Short Cut.
Short Cut
Response: After a location enters play, exhaust a Hobbit character to shuffle that location back into the encounter deck. Then, reveal 1 card from the encounter deck and add it to the staging area.
Frodo, The Fellowship of the Ring
The Watcher in the Water #60. Lore.

Short Cut is unique in its ability, but not particularly good. The biggest problem with this card is that it shuffles the location back in before revealing the new encounter. The possibility of getting back the exact same card is soul-crushing. The next problem is that (unlike what the other reviewer said) it doesn't actually cancel the first card. Any "when revealed" or "forced" effects will still happen before you can use this Response, so you may end up with one and a half or two encounters instead of one!
It should have said:
Response: If a location would enter play, exhaust a Hobbit character to instead set that card aside without resolving any of its effects. Then, reveal the next card from the encounter deck and add it to the staging area. Then, shuffle the set aside location into the encounter deck.