Unholy Prospecting Alliance

Fredmans 102


Fellowship to try out some new (to me) mining cards. The fellowship consist of a Thorin ally deck and a Dáin mining deck with elven recursion and recycling help. I thought it could be fun to try them out in combination. Thorin's deck is helped immensely by Dáin's global boost. The Dáin deck is more of a support deck.

I revisited Mirkwood and found myself blitzing through Passage twice in three and four turns and breezing through Journey Along the Anduin after taking the troll down (Thorin's deck has 10 attack strength in heroes alone with Dáin's ability). So I decided to take on my first Nightmare decks. I have now completed the Nightmares Passage through Mirkwood and Journey Along the Anduin. Journey Along the Anduin saw me cut some of the fun cards I rarely have used like Infighting and Fresh Tracks, but they are still in the side board. I have four more Mirkwood nightmares: Dol Guldur (yeah right), Hunt for Gollum, Conflict at the Carrock and Dead Marshes.


Nov 12, 2020 doomguard 2191

to make it more efficient:

  • skip thalin and put dain in there
  • choose a 2. spiritdwarf (oin) for dain
  • max stargazer and zigil
  • put i more green dwarf allies at bifurs side (hammersmith and dori)
  • put in the ered luin miner ringsdb.com

replace the tactikcards with leadershipcards (move them from the other deck) or max them.

if you play anduin and use my suggestions, consider balin instead of thorin, to stay at 29 thread.