unusual friends?

doomguard 2190


dori protects the bear with his up to 20 hitpoints. the others equip him or do the questing.

the beorndeck is selfexplaining, the other has some advice.

any suggestions?


Oct 23, 2020 wehehe 1299

Great idea to pair (MotK) Dori with Beorn! Maybe I'd adjust a little the decks to fit a few Ent Draught for Dori, also, being able to use some Lembas and being them recurrent with Reforged would be great... (Lembas are great with Dori, as they heal him, and ready, allowing him to use his ability again).

Oct 23, 2020 doomguard 2190

lemas is a good idea, but a silvan or noldor is missing in the dori-deck

Aug 29, 2022 NERD 873

Is there enough readying to repeatedly protect Beorn? It seems that (MotK) Dori would only redirect the damage from one or two attacks, which he could simply take undefended against himself.

Aug 30, 2022 doomguard 2190

you an ready (MotK) Dori only once a phase contract), so, he can in the combatphase "only" take 2 times the dmg from beorn. but, you have not only dori. dori takes the big ones and can take undefended, you have other possibilities to protect beorn:

Aug 30, 2022 kjeld 709

Glorfindel would likely be better than Nori here. Would open up not just Asfaloth and more Elrond's Counsel, but also Lembas and Fair and Perilous.

If you drop Bard son of Brand and the tactics attachments, you could go with someone like Gildor Inglorion or Sam Gamgee, opening up Unlikely Friendship as well as handy dwarf cards like We Are Not Idle, King Under the Mountain, Hardy Leadership, and To me! O my kinsfolk!. You could still keep Citadel Plate to grab with Ring of Thrór or Well-Equipped (or Reforged).

Aug 30, 2022 kjeld 709

Scratch Unlikely Friendship -- I was thinking it included Noldor, but it's only Silvan.

Aug 30, 2022 doomguard 2190

nori is there because for some attachements i need a dwarf (after dori is equipped) and specially for Well-Equipped

it can be a good deck with Glorfindel but then it would become something different. Bard son of Brand is there for all (item) attachements, more important than the Citadel Plate may be the Golden Belt i do not want to depend on so much luck to get them with Well-Equipped or the ring.