Escape from Dol Goldur
EdgardK 1
I created two mono decks, Lore and Spirit, with cards from Cycle 1, to control the encounter deck and the attacks of the enemies, cancel "when revealed" effects and shadow cards. Knowing these decks don't have to much power attack, but a 5-cost card could be played in two turns, it is important to have Gildor Inglorion,Haldir of Lórien, Elfhelmin those decks to aid the heroes to quest, defend and attack. And Gandalf, of course. Unexpected Courage on Glorfindel can help you a lot to quest and attack. Beravor and Gléowine I used for drawing cards in the end of the turn to quickly build your table to face the Nazgul. Dúnhere was very usefull to kill the Beastmasters in the staging area, while Eleanor and A Test of Will protected Éowyn from Treachery cards. Forest Snare is a important card to block the attacks from the Ungoliant's Spawn. And you have to play The Galadhrim's Greeting the fast as possible on the Lore deck for the Nazgul do not engage them. Perhaps A Light in the Dark and Protector of Lórien could be added on the decks to help protect your heroes and cancel their attacks. I used the objective-cards in these way: Gandalf's Map on Éowyn, I think that it is pretty obvious, Shadow Key on Glorfindel, as he have 5 hit points and can heal himself each turn, and the Dungeon Torch on any hero on the Spirit deck, knowing that he can easily lower his threat with galadhrim's greeting. At first I was afraid for not having attack power to face the Escape from Dol Goldur and its Nazgul, but in the end, I won the game with those two decks, proving that the game doesn't need muscles to win.