Grey Wanderers (Dis)Assemble!
Alonewolf87 2449
Some Janky craziness trying to (ab)use The Grey Wanderer to make a "solo" Gandalf a real Voltron powerhouse.
Why not make a 4 players fellowship where all the decks have The Grey Wanderer contract and 3 of them (using Folco, Caldara and TaBoromir) are only used to setup the fourth (which would have Gandalf as the hero of course) with all the possible toys he can use (all the Master attachments, the Staff, Shadowfax, Narya, the Pipe, Strider, cards with Message from Elrond and resources with Parting Gifts and so forth?)
Of course it's not a good idea for those quests where the setup is influenced by the number of players (which are quite a lot right now), but otherwise would it be worth it? Only time will tell.
I used a lot of songs to try and give Gandalf all the spheres so he can also play cards from the hand without having to rely on the contract off-sphere play. I put the Master attachments in 3x so that if I draw them in the starting hand I can use the contract to search for others attachments like songs (for Gandalf or the other heroes to facilitate some play), the Wizard Pipe, Strider and so forth. I added all the side quest cause I wasn't finding more good attachments or events to include, but I guess having 3x Gather Information in play might be useful.
You have to at least try to get Folco to have Desperate Alliance. 7 threat reduction for Gandalf!! Doom it up! Haha