Fellowship of the Mono-Sphere


This is the fellowship my sister and I will use, over the next few weeks, to tackle the saga campaign. We are each going to play two-handed, me with the tactics and lore, and her with the leadership and spirit. These decks are made to work together, so other than the mono-tactics, which is awesome with any number of players, I don't know how well they would play outside of this fellowship.

The overall plan for big moments in the campaign is:

Discard Beravor to the Balrog, then overhaul lore deck into a trap deck.

Obviously, much less allies for Mount Doom (assuming we get there) ;)

We welcome comments, and will post a semi-detailed quest log as we go! Just for reference, our collection consists of Shadows of Mirkwood, Heirs + AoO and MV, Dreamchaser, Sands + BtS and BS, and all Saga except On the Doorstep. So yes, as much as Mirlonde would be helpful, we don't have her. Any suggestions based on the collection we have would be appreciated! We will attempt Shadow of the Past tomorrow, and a quest log will be forthcoming! Hope you stay tuned for #BaranduinToOrodruin.


Apr 01, 2020 bobbymcbobface 724

We have completed the campaign through Journey in the Dark. We placed 59 damage on the Balrog!