The (Second) Last Alliance of Men and Elves v 1.7
Alonewolf87 2449
"You have come to journey's end... We have come now to the end..."
These are the four mono-sphere decks me and my wife built together. With these decks we played through ALL the quests in the game (not in Nightmare mode). When we play each of us controls two decks: I usually handle Leadership and Lore, while she plays Tactics and Spirit.
This Fellowship's version for the Lord of the Rings Saga can be found here and the version for Mount Doom here.
This Fellowship's version for Fortress of Nurn (due to the 50 cards limit on the decks) can be found here.
These decks are now using cards from all the card sets, since we finally completed our collection up to The Fortress of Nurn, but we only have two copies of the Core Set, so we are limited to two copies of Unexpected Courage.
My wife is extremely fond of attachments and her unwillingness to let go of some of them (and of a lot of cards in general) is the reason why all the decks have way more than the usual 50 cards. The decks could quite likely be polished a lot more for the sake of pure efficiency, but we also wanted to have each game playing differently from the other, so we tried to avoid the usual "all the staple cards in 3x" approach and put a lot of 1x and 2x of more specialized cards (I guess the Fortress of Nurn version of the Fellowship is the more efficient and polished version of these decks). There are also some choices which make more sense in 4 players then in solo play. They are not the strongest decks around, but we had a lot of fun with them and that's still something we held dear.
The main focus of this Fellowship is to create a strong Gondor swarm to face the questing and combat issues, while keeping threat and treacheries at bay with Spirit help and letting Lore go crazy with its tool box. Each deck has its own description with more in-depth details about itself and its interactions with the other decks.
The average running time of a game for us is around 3 hours, so it took us quite some time, almost two year, to defeat all the quests. Quite a lot of the scenarios were won at the first attempt, and only a few took more than 3 tries. For now the most difficult quests (apart from Mount Doom) we ever faced have been The Wastes of Eriador (which we found really brutal at 4-players count), The Siege of Annuminas and Attack on Dol Guldur.
Scenarios Completed so Far (win/tries)
Core Set
Passage Through Mirkwood, 3 turns, 139 points (1/1)
Journey Down the Anduin, 4 turns, 140 points (1/1)
Escape from Dol Guldur, 4 turns, 164 points (1/1)
Two-Player Limited Edition
The Oath, 6 turns, 219 points (1/1)
The Caves of Nibin-Dum, 7 turns, 230 points (1/1)
Shadows of Mirkwood
The Hunt for Gollum, 7 turns, 197 points (1/1)
Conflict at the Carrock, 4 turns, 165 points (1/1)
A Journey to Rhosgobel, 3 turns, 156 points (1/1)
The Hills of Emyn Muil, 4 turns, 145 points (1/1)
The Dead Marshes, 2 turns, 139 points (1/1)
Return to Mirkwood, 5 turns, 194 points (1/1)
Into The Pit, 5 turns, 205 points (1/1)
The Seventh Level, 4 turns, 157 points (1/1)
Flight from Moria, 8 turns, 270 points (1/1)
The Redhorn Gate, 6 turns, 138 points (1/1) [substituted Arwen Undómiel with Éowyn]
Road to Rivendell, 4 turns, 152 points (1/1) [substituted Arwen Undómiel with Éowyn]
The Watcher in the Water, 4 turns, 171 points (1/1)
The Long Dark, 6 turns, 191 points (1/1)
Foundations of Stone, 9 turns, 212 points (1/1)
Shadow and Flame, 6 turns, 85 points (1/1)
Heirs of Numenor
Peril in Pelargir, 3 turns, 144 points (1/1)
Into Ithilien, 6 turns, 198 points (1/1)
The Seige of Cair Andros, 5 turns, 211 points (1/2)
Against the Shadow
The Steward's Fear, 6 turns, 144 points (1/1)
The Druadan Forest, 8 turns, 232 points (1/1)
Encounter at Amon Din, 2 turns, 141 points (1/1)
Assault on Osgiliath, 3 turns, 161 points (1/1)
The Blood of Gondor, 5 turns, 201 points (1/1) [substituted Faramir with Haldir of Lórien]
The Morgul Vale, 6 turns, 173 points (1/1) [substituted Faramir with Haldir of Lórien]
The Voice of Isengard
The Fords of Isen, 9 turns, 224 points (1/1)
To Catch an Orc, 10 turns, 185 points (1/1)
Into Fangorn, 6 turns, 192 points (1/1)
The Ring Maker
The Dunland Trap, 8 turns, 213 points (1/2)
The Three Trials, 5 turns, 166 points (1/1)
Throuble in Tharbad, 5 turns, 58 points (1/1)
The Nin-in-Eilph, 5 turns, 233 points (1/2)
Celebrimbor's Secret, 6 turns, 178 points (1/1)
The Antlered Crown, 10 turns, 239 points (1/1)
The Lost Realm
Intruders in Chetwood, 5 turns, 168 points (1/1)
The Weather Hills, 8 turns, 209 points (1/1)
Deadmen's Dike, 5 turns, 176 points (1/1)
Angmar Awakened
The Wastes of Eriador, 6 turns, 233 points (1/4)
Escape from Mount Gram, 7 turns, 167 points (1/1)
Across the Ettenmoors, 4 turns, 157 points (1/1)
The Threachery of Rhudaur, 6 turns, 181 points (1/1)
The Battle of Carn Dum, 6 turns, 229 points (1/3)
The Dread Realm, 8 turns, 253 points (1/1)
The Grey Havens
Voyage Across Belegaer, 4 turns, 171 points (1/1)
Exploring the Island, 11 turns, 254 points (1/1)
Raid on the Gray Havens, 8 turns, 182 points (1/2)
Flight of the Stormcaller, 6 turns, 190 points (1/1)
The Thing in the Depths, 5 turns, 128 points (1/1)
Temple of the Deceived, 9 turns, 195 points (1/1)
The Drowned Ruins, 6 turns, 164 points (1/1)
A Storm on Cobas Haven, 4 turns, 161 points (1/1)
The City of Corsairs, 9 turns, 195 points (1/2)
Sands of Harad
Escape from Umbar 8 turns, 235 points (1/1)
Desert Crossing, 5 turns, 150 points (1/1)
The Long Arm of Mordor, 8 turns, 212 points (1/1)
The Mumakil, 8 turns, 197 points (1/1)
Race Across Harad, 9 turns, 240 points (1/1)
Beneath the Sands, 9 turns, 243 points (1/1)
The Black Serpent, 6 turns, 205 points (1/1)
The Dungeons of Cirith Gurath, 10 turns, 193 points (1/1)
The Crossings of Poros, 12 turns, 230 points (1/1)
Wilds of Rhovanion
Journey Up the Anduin, 8 turns, 180 points (1/1)
Lost in Mirkwood, 10 turns, 172 points (1/1)
The King's Quest, 9 turns, 182 points (1/1)
Ered Mithrin
The Withered Heath, 10 turns, 247 points (1/2)
Roam Across Rhovanion, 7 turns, 214 points (1/1)
Fire in the Night, 6 turns, 115 points (1/3)
The Ghost of Framsburg, 8 turns, 244 points (1/2)
Mount Gundabad, 6 turns, 143 points (1/1)
The Fate of Wilderland, 7 turns, 184 points (1/2)
A Shadow in the East
The River Running, 9 turns, 246 points (1/1)
Danger in Dorwinion, 8 turns, 187 points (1/1)
Temple of Doom, 11 turns, 238 points (1/2)
Vengeance of Mordor
Wrath and Ruin, 8 turns, 250 points (1/2)
The City of Ulfast, 7 turns, 202 points (1/1)
The Challenge of the Wainriders, 8 turns, 213 points (1/2)
Under the Ash Mountains, 8 turns, 198 points (1/1)
The Land of Sorrow, 10 turns, 240 points (1/1)
The Fortress of Nurn, 9 turns, 198 points (1/2)
The Hobbit Over Hill and Under Hill
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day, 8 turns, 209 points (1/1)
Over the Misty Mountains Grim, 4 turns, 174 points (1/1)
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim, 4 turns, 173 points (1/1)
The Hobbit On the Doorstep
Flies and Spiders, 7 turns, 209 points (1/1)
The Lonely Mountains, 6 turns, 219 points (1/2)
The Battle of the Five Armies, 7 turns, 218 points (1/1)
Standalone Scenarios
The Massing at Osgiliath, 6 turns, 184 points (1/1)
The Battle of Lake-Town, 8 turns, 204 points (1/2)
The Stone of Erech, 8 turns, 211 points (1/1)
The Old Forest, 7 turns, 229 points (1/1)
Fog on the Barrow-downs, 13 turns, 268 points (1/2)
The Ruins of Belegost, 9 turns, 233 points (1/1)
Murder at the Prancing Pony, 8 turns, 235 points (1/1)
The Siege of Annuminas, 10 turns, 252 points (1/1)
Attack on Dol Guldur, 8 turns, 245 points (1/3)
The Wizard's Quest, 6 turns, 195 points (1/1)
The Woodland Realm, 5 turns, 218 points (1/1)
The Mines of Moria, 9 turns, 246 points (1/1)
Escape from Khazad-Dum, 9 turns, 223 points (1/1)
The Hunt for the Dreadnaught (Standard Mode), 10 turns, 102 points (1/1)