Moon&Murray Core Box Unpack
Murraymcgut 14
Decks i devised with 2 Core Boxes. We go back on the design fairly regularly, depending on what worked or didn't on our previous quests. We did Passage Through Mirkwood both Easy and normal and Cruise on the Anduin Easy only (encounters on our normal were plain horrible, both trolls out on first quest phase and both goblin sharpshooters not long afterwards).
Tactics/Spirit focuses on quest and murder; boosting Eowyn's willpower with Favor of the Lady; finisihing enemies with Legolas for the extra progress; Gimli doing both when possible through Unexpected Courage and the damage boost. We rely on allies flow and manoeuvers (combat and spirit events) to withstand ennemy attacks. Attachement are enlarged so Aragorn can be fitted with a plate and a Gondolin blade were need be.
Leadership/Lore sees Aragorn doing the one-man army, with Theodred for questing combo and Glorfindel on counter-attack/emergency healing.I still struggle a bit running the combination of expensive cards and resource-dispatching Glorfindel though; we are very Intendant of Gondor dependant. Support design includes three Stealth Gandalf and we cycle on locations or threat management depending on the scenario.