Tactics Aragorn Insanity

Mormegil 4968


Lower the threats of all Players as far as possible. Only engage one enemy during the engagement phase with the Aragorn deck. Engage the rest through Aragorns ability. Every single readying attachment goes on Merry until he has at least 3 of them. Ready him after destroying enemys together with Aragorn. Draw cards with Pippin. Commit all characters to the quest except Merry and Aragorn (and Galadriel of course). Each deck has to stay beneath the engagement cost of the enemies. That shouldn't be a problem though. You could swap Sam with Pippin, both combinations with Merry and Aragorn would be great. You still have to defend one enemy attack per round (since you engage the other enemies through Aragorns ability after the enemy attack step is resolved), so the Aragorn deck should get out a decent defender ASAP. Deorwine, Boromir, Treebeard and the Rivendell Guardian are all great.

That is imo a very potent and fun Fellowship. Enjoy!!