62 - Voyage Across Belegaer (Progression Series)
ShellinProgression 5090
This is another fellowship continuing on in my goal to play through all of the quests in release order to learn how all (or most) of the cards interact with one another. The first fellowship for the quests in the core set can be found here, and it contains a slightly more detailed overview of what I'm going for with building these decks. As always, any feedback is appreciated so that I can continue to learn more!
After trying to play through this quest a few times, I decided that the easiest way for me to beat it was to just get as many allies and as much Willpower as possible onto the table in both decks and then just try to stay on course and burn through the quest stages as fast as possible. This meant trying to stay below the engagement cost of any boats so that I wouldn't have to worry about them, but then still have enough Willpower to quest through the large amount of threat they provide.
The Noldor deck was built around trying to make use of Arwen Undómiel and as many cards as possible from The Grey Havens box itself. To that end, it more or less built itself by including copies of almost every Noldor specific event, ally and attachment in the card pool up to this point (though I still need to figure out a way to get those tactics cards used). Elven-light and Arwen are the main combo holding everything together, while Círdan the Shipwright and Silver Harp can help facilitate quite a bit of extra draw as well. Ideally, this deck will not be engaging anything, which should allow for Narya and Warden of the Havens to help out the other deck if it is forced to be boarded by some Corsairs. This deck needed far less help, so I found it best to pair it with The Dream-Chaser as its ship.
The Rohan deck was originally built on the idea of pairing Théoden with the Nárelenya to reduce the cost of the first ally played each round by two. However, I really badly wanted to include quite a few cards that I have never tried before, and I couldn't quite make that all work without the card draw provided by the Dawn Star. The deck should have plenty of Spirit resources once Steward of Gondor is out, so The Galadhrim's Greeting can easily combat the extra 3 threat out of the gate. Helm! Helm! and Ride Them Down are the tech included to clear out some of the threat in the staging if too many boats show up, and I found that they both worked super well in this quest. The Corsair Warship showing up really early is pretty much worst case scenario, but should it happen, Helm! Helm! was far and away the easiest way to deal with it. The Boarding 3 is still a problem, but with some readying and Sentinel help from the other deck I was usually able to ride it out long enough for Theoden to take them all out with Herugrim and any other allies held back from questing.