Seastan meets mr Underhill (power decks)

Tegyrius 126


Core + Shadows of Mirkwood nightmare run using Vilya + Gildors Council:

Took Seastan's the One Deck and combined it with mr Underhill's new mono lore deck (played here). Tweaked a bit, mainly putting in Keen as Lances and different combat in the One Deck (A Burning Brand, Gondorian Shield, Boromir, Elladan, Elrohir, Legolas, Gimli and Raiment of War) instead of eagles and marksmen. For the lore deck, I added The Evening Star and some minor combat ability (for later quests, when you get separated staging areas). Most games were played two-handed and some with a friend. Changed 1 or 2 cards during the playthrough, but nothing that would have changed the outcomes.

Passage Through Mirkwood: 2 attempts. First try revealed 4 low threat enemies early and Elrond got swarmed. Might have forgotten the +2 engagement from Pippins special.

Journey Down the Anduin: 1 attempt. Gandalf blocked the troll and Eowyn/Legolas took it out.

Escape from Dol Guldur: ca 14 attempts. Only started playing when setup was ok or good, and made it on the third attempt. Randomized between and Eowyn and Mirlonde, so take it for what its worth. Played this last when we piloted the decks better. On the winning attempt, Eowyn was captured and the lore deck drew rescourceful x2, gildors, good meal, risk some light and Gleowine. The Vilya deck drew Vilya and flipped Firyal. Locations in the middle, which seemed good , but Dungeon Labyrinth causes location lock so fast. Beyound that it was fine though. The Nazghul fell victim to the great hunt (seemed wierd, but looked through everthing and it's non-unique and doesn't auto-engage)

The Hunt for Gollum: 1 attempt. No Vilya in sight for the first few turns, but the control cards kept the encounter deck tame. Stalled until the decks had 1 clue each and then sprinted over the finishing line.

Conflict At The Carrock: 1 attempt. 1 'sacked' in the victory display, and easy to quest the correct willpower with so many control cards.

A Journey to Rhosgobel: 1 attempt. This was a snoozefest. The encounter deck got nothing going.

The Hills of Emyn Muil: 1 attempt. The doom cards screwed the lore deck quite badly, which had trouble getting the victory display stuff going. Brambles and Thorns was a pain, but in the end, the decks are so strong that it didn't matter.

The Dead Marshes: 1 attempt. Tried to have Gollum not escape, but that failed when the Vilya deck only drew the combat allies and not enough willpower early on. However, the Gollum return and final test was set up with double scout ahead.

Return to Mirkwood: 3 attempts. Plan was to keep Gollum with the Vilya deck while the lore deck was still in secrecy. In the final attempt, the Vilya deck lowered its threat by 27, but still ended up at 49. Made a mistake on 3B where the control of Gollum couldn't be changed and got stuck an extra turn. The lore deck got milled to zero cards and couldn't do anything the last few turns.


Lore deck engaged with an enemy: 2

Doors closed: 2 (1 Attercop Attercop)

Top Great Hunt: Nazghul of DG and Goblin Eagle-hunter (turn 1)

Boromir readies: 5

Twins readies: 4


Jul 17, 2019 Mr. Underhill 4274

Great to see this lore deck getting some more play and awesome that it can handle these Nightmare quests! I just wanted to flag that it is not my deck, it was built by The Mormegil: