Beginner Mono-Sphere Fellowship


This fellowship is designed for teaching the game to new players. I had five goals in mind:

  1. Include the simple cards, leave out the complex cards with longer text boxes.
  2. Reduce the number of different cards in a deck by including 3x often.
  3. Mono-sphere.
  4. Give the players a clear flavor of what defines that sphere. (Lore has card draw and healing, Leadership has resources, Spirit quests and cancels, Tactics kills everything etc.)
  5. Make it a decent deck.

I’m open to feedback, let me know how these can be improved for teaching!


Jan 05, 2020 Smiticus 5

These decks look great! Now all I have to do is convince my friends to try the game. Do you have recommendations for which quests to use? I am thinking Journey Down the Anduin from the core set, or do other expansions have quests that are good for intro games with 4-players?

Jan 05, 2020 TheGameLocker 1396

I tried Journey Along the Anduin 4p as a tutorial not long ago, and it went pretty terribly. We lost on the first stage because the encounter deck comboed us hard. I would stick with Passage through Mirkwood. I hear Encounter at Amon Din is good for that as well (if you have it). Also, the first quest in the Khazad-dûm box (into the pit?) and Journey In The Dark from the Road Darkens saga box.

Jan 05, 2020 Smiticus 5

Thanks for the recommendations. I'll stick with Passage Through Mirkwood for starters. I heard the same about Encounter at Amon Din, so that would be second perhaps. I have not played it yet but maybe I'll bump it up the queue to try it out (I just finished up the Shadows of Mirkwood cycle).