Wilderland United
Onidsen 1152
This is a fellowship built around the peoples who inhabit Wilderland - focusing mainly on the Woodmen and Beornings of the Anduin river valley as well as the Silvan elves of Lorien and the Woodland Realm. It was built for the Experimental Deckbuilding series at my blog: https://thewhitetower.wordpress.com/
The whole fellowship is broadly built to support Haldan and Celeborn, and offers powerful decks and fun play. Questing and combat are distributed across all three decks, although the Celeborn/Galadriel/Argalad deck has a rough time defending attacks early on. There is enough ranged attack power in the decks that enemies anywhere on the board should not expect to be long for this world, however.
Location control is managed by Woodland Couriers and Mirkwood Explorer's, along with simply massive amounts of willpower, while cancellation is provided by Galadriel's deck and Balin.
The fellowship is vulnerable to global direct damage treacheries or effects - since most of the allies are 1- Silvans. But it is surprisingly resilient against Archery or other targeted direct damage, leveraging a suite of Silvan heroes and allies (plus Elf-friend) and the incredibly broad healing power of the Silvan Tracker. See the individual deck lists for a detailed description of how each deck is meant to function.
The two Silvan decks look like they would work well as a two-handed fellowship. If you cut out the Beorning deck, would you change the other decks at all?