Boromir Stroke Out to a Song

pokie 86


3 decks quest and set up Boromir. Song of Earendil will soak up extra threat from Boromit and Desperate Alliance with Lore Aragorn will reset it as needed. All of the decks run Errand-riders to load Boromir up. There are also 9 Tests of Will and 12 Campfire Tales for overall goodness.

Boromir can either be buffed permanently with Dunedain signal cards or ramped up with Blood of Numenor and Gondorian Fire. Once his resource pile is big enough he can offload the signals to other heroes. The Hammer-stroke precludes the need for ranged or sentinel key-words long-term since Hama can recycle it. The other primary cycle target is Foe-hammer.

Song of Wisdom with Burning Brand keep Boromir and later Beregond safe. This creates another resource sub-theme with Love of Tales, which can also go on newly-wise heroes.

Elrond is mostly used for value - there is no strong need to Vilya in expensive cards, but it does help with Northern Trtackers. More importantly, he smoothes his decks' resources and can provide efficient healing against archery spam. The rest ofn the deck buffs Boromir, provides threat reduction shenanigans. Unexpected Courage helps Hama do obscene things.

Balin deck provides early game shadow insurance along with early blocker Beregond and questing powerhouse Eowyn. Aside from 2 cards, all of its cards are duplicates of cards in other decks to increase consistency.