22 - The Siege of Cair Andros (Progression Series)
ShellinProgression 5090
This is another fellowship continuing on in my goal to play through all of the quests in release order to learn how all (or most) of the cards interact with one another. The first fellowship for the quests in the core set can be found here, and it contains a slightly more detailed overview of what I'm going for with building these decks. As always, any feedback is appreciated so that I can continue to learn more!
I actually thought this quest was a little bit easier to build around than Into Ithilien, because you can do everything possible to avoid having to do any willpower questing at all by clearing the banks. That should be the primary focus, because it was pretty much a guaranteed loss if I had to go to Stage 2 of the quest.
The strategy was fairly similar to Into Ithilien, having heroes with tons of stats on the board to help with Battle/Siege questing, include as much readying as possible so they could do double duty in combat as well, get some traps/feints to help with enemies, and then hope that my board state could survive long enough to power through the last few stages of the quest. I opted against using Spirit in either deck since Master's Malice was the only card that is truly terrible so I figured I could survive without A Test of Will.
This was still a pretty difficult quest for me, and I definitely wasn't winning every time with this combo, though it usually felt like I had a fighting chance unless the encounter deck was extremely unkind. Like I said earlier, I think Into Ithilien was much more painful for me, personally. I'm glad to be done with Heirs of Numenor and get to move on to On the Doorstep, another expansion that I haven never played (please reprint this one, FFG!)