Fellowship for the Grey Havens
roguefrog 130
Two very focused decks using the new cards intended for the Grey Havens deluxe expansion quests. These decks handled all 3 quests without much difficulty. The biggest danger is threat gain as there is very little threat reduction (Just Mrs. Galad) I did swap in Galdor of the Havens (and other cards too -> sidebar is sort of a card dumpsite)
- Noldor on a Boat quests for two and uses all the fancy Noldor discard tricks and free ally drops.
- Sons of Elrond handles defense/combat exclusively. In fact I completed the entire box without sending anyone from this deck on the quest. (Ok maybe a YOLO quest at the very end to put out some fires but the day was won)
In the event that enemies engage Noldor on a Boat the Sons of Elrond are loaded with sentinel and range. Give Elladan a Rivendell Bow and Elrohir Elven Mail. Once Cirdan has Narya he can really put these guys to work.