Rohirrim ride with Dúnedain and Hobbits
wehehe 1299
This is more "a deck split into two", than a fellowship. I first designed the "Engage - Ready - Kill", deck, with some sinergies in it, trying to be a "solo" deck. Sam Gamgee and Rosie Cotton have both great sinergy with Faramir, as you can quest with Sam Gamgee, use Rosie Cotton in the quest phase, then engage an enemy in the engaging phase, readying both of them, and if you kill an enemy using Aragorn you could ready Sam even another time in the combat phase; also you could ready Rosie Cotton, but as her ability is useful only once per phase, it won't be worthy.
Anyway, I found that it's threat was too high for the deck to work, 31 is too much to "abuse" this sinergy, and the deck only worked well in games where I draw an Sneak Attack with Gandalf in the first rounds.
That's why I built the second deck. It provides questing support in the first rounds, and also it has some of the mounts which the combat deck needs; mainly Steed of the North, as it has Westfold Horse-breeder which helps finding them. Merry helps keeping it's own threat under control, while it uses other threat reductions to put the other deck out of sight of most enemies, which allows it to run perfectly as it was designed.
Also, in the spirit-leadership deck, I play some "rohan discard tech", with Gúthwinë to recur the allies if needed. Some of the allies are also good to be chumpblockers, and then be played again once you recover them to your hand. Having Faramir with ranged, and Rivendell Bow to provide Ranged to Aragorn is enough to ensure this deck can also kill the enemies when needed.
I've played a few games with them, and they are working quite well, although I think that I can still improve them! I Hope I can do it with your comments!
Have you had problems with direct damage without Lore?