Good Night Angmar


This is a fairly thematic fellowship I've been taking against The Lost Realm and Angmar Awakened Cycle, a mix of Dunedain and elves from Rivendell taking on the rising evil in that part of Middle-Earth.

Note: only cards up to the end of the cycle used, just because that's how far through the game I've got.

Deck 1 - Designed to take care of all combat needs. Elrohir is the main defender - Steward and defence attachments go on him. Once he gets Elven Mail he can defend for deck 2 although Aragorn and Halbarad's abilities mean that if there are ever many enemies engaged with deck 2 things have already gone pretty wrong! By mid-game, this deck can also make a decent contribution to questing where needed, especially if Sword That Was Broken comes out.

Deck 2 - Handles questing, healing and other support. Makes good use of the synergy between Erestor (drawing cards) and Arwen (paying for stuff). Erestor helps find those cheap weapons in the early game (enabling Aragorn and Foe-hammer in particular). Elladan needs Rivendell Bow to become fully effective but he still has a handy 2 until then.

Piloting - In deck 1, mulligan for Steward of Gondor (of course). A defence boost is also nice to see. Mulligan for silver harp in deck 2 so you can keep hold of those clutch cards past the end of rounds. Elven Jeweller is also good for making efficient use of the 10-card opening hand. Make sure to hold resources back for Elrohir's ability. Much of the readying is intended to go on deck 1 (LoV on Elrhohir, Wingfoot and UC on Aragorn).

Results - I've found this fellowship fun to play and once the attachments start piling up, they give the feeling of controlling some powerful characters. So far, I've beaten The Lost Realm quests on 1st, 1st and 2nd attempts respectively. I'm looking forward to taking them against the rest of the cycle but with some trepidation for Carn Dum and The Dread Realm (might need some sideboard for the last one in particular!).

I'd really welcome any ideas for improvements, including cards from later cycles for me to think about in the future. Cheers!


Sep 28, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

I'd just like to suggest Power of Orthanc for Dread Realm and Shadows give Way for Carn-Dum. They're good sideboard cards for those quests.

Sep 28, 2018 HootsFromErebor 49

Thanks for the suggestions. I used Shadows Give Way last time I beat Carn Dum, and you're right, it is really good in that quest. I think I'd need Song of Travel or some janky combo to pay it from these decks though so might have to try without it - which is a scary thought!

Mar 21, 2022 Malfaire 39

Very nice decks ! I played and won convincingly against the first two Lost Realm quests. I prefered Elven-light instead of Lords of the Eldar and added 2 Curious Brandybuck for Bilbo Baggins and Henamarth Riversong.

Question for the community : what cards for more draw on the Dunedain deck ?