Two Decks to Rule Some of Them

hon 427


These two decks are built using the first two cycles and both Hobbit Boxes, i.e. every release before Heirs of Numenor. They are designed to work in tandem and beat all quests released in that period, minus the Battle of Laketown, which I do not have yet. I have no idea how they would fare against it.

The central combo is Support of the Eagles/Boromir/Song of Earendil/Aragorn/Desperate Alliance and kind of Arwen. Boromir with Support of the Eagles lets him attack or defend multiple times with a huge buff, and Song of Earendil and Desperate Alliance/Aragorn plus lots of threat reduction let him do it over and over again. Arwen provides Boromir with sentinel in case he has to cover for the questing deck, but most of the time Boromir will optionally engage every enemy that comes off of the encounter deck. There are very few enemies who can scare these decks.

If you're looking for a pair of pretty powerful decks that still involve lots of decisions than these should do the trick.

Changes I've made in the past few days: -1 Miruvor, -1 Escort from Edoras, -1 Miner of the Iron Hills, +2 Arwen Undomiel, +1 Asfaloth.


Jun 05, 2016 Lodan 7

I'm still rather new to the game, so I'm not sure if I have all the interactions of the cards right, but when you say "Boromir with Support of the Eagles lets him attack or defend multiple times with a huge buff, and Song of Earendil and Desperate Alliance/Aragorn plus lots of threat reduction let him do it over and over again" are you suggesting that Aragorn can use his threat reduction ability more than once?

Overall, I love these decks and will try them out. Any luck with them beyond the first two cycles?

Jun 05, 2016 hon 427

This is a common question, Aragorn's threat reduction ability is "Limit once per game," but the developers have clarified that it's actually "Limit once per game per player." So when you have Song of Earendil up and running, Aragorn's deck takes all the threat, eventually resets, and then once the Boromir deck gets close to 50 you can Desperate Alliance in the refresh phase to give Aragorn to the Boromir deck, and he resets their threat. So Boromir gets way more uses than he would otherwise in a single deck.

The eagles deck is good to go in pretty much any scenario, especially Heirs, but Eowyn does not pull her weight during battle or siege. I'm considering switching her for Elrond and rewiring the ally package a bit. Luckily because of Elrond's ability you don't have to switch out too much to account for resources. I think the questing deck needs a bit more tinkering before it's good to go anywhere.

Jun 07, 2016 Seastan 45832

Is a single copy of Arwen in the spirit deck enough to reliably get Boromir sentinel? Why not go 3x Arwen, or include DĂșnedain Signal?

Jun 07, 2016 hon 427

Yeah, I actually just switched in another copy of her yesterday, -1 Escort from Edoras. I default uniques to 1 copy since I really despise dead draws unless they're necessary, but she definitely deserves to be in there multiple times. I'll probably remove a Miner to fit in a third copy.

Jun 07, 2016 hon 427

I'd edit the decklist but I'd have to republish instead, not worth it until I change it more for Heirs and beyond. Edited the description in the meantime.

Mar 09, 2017 Zamomin 73

Very nice decks. My room mate and I played them against The Fate of NĂșmenor and won quite easily (only hickup was that Aragorn died shortly before the end). I tried to make an eagle deck work for quite a while and this one finally did. Good to know that the "secret" is resource generation like crazy. (I know that you don't have to be a genius to figure this out...)

Feb 22, 2021 Reganvet 1

Thanks for these! We beat the first hobbit saga encounter on the first try. I used your modifications in the text. Looking forward to getting to know these decks better.