The Hunt for Gollum Core+Mirkwood Cycle

Archol 129


No description.

Nov 30, 2018 tamhas 87

I'm interested to know why there are 3x Song of Wisdom, are they just there to be discarded for Protector of Lorien, or Eowyn? Perhaps I'm missing something but I don't see how it's useful otherwise (I'm new to the game, so it's certainly possible).

Nov 30, 2018 Archol 129

Song of Wisdom is there to make heroes of the Hair n' Beards side of the Fellowship eligable for A Burning Brand (Dain is probably the best target but depending on gamestate, Gimli might be a decent choice as well).

Dec 01, 2018 tamhas 87

Oh right, I didn't think you could do that, that's good to know thanks!