Dwarves and elves and a couple of tanks

Glimen 8


Mainly using Celeborn's ID for silvan allies and Dain's ID for dwarves. Each deck has a tank, questing hero and damage dealer pretty much. Attachments in Fellowship 1 can often be used for Fellowship 2 and likewise Fellowship 3 events and attachments work for fellowship 4 deck. The silvan decks are a pretty even spread of allies, attachments and events with the idea of having Legolas as a ranged heavy hitter. The Gimli deck is built around having Gimli get super strong and one shot big enemies whilst the Bombur deck is more about the ally spam. 3 Test of will in every deck as I find it's a game loser not having an answer for on reveals. Also decent threat management among the decks with Nori and Beregon, Glorfindel to be used as attacker primarily. Feints and feigned voices for the difficult fights. I think first thoughts as I look over it are that it's probably light on questing power and maybe need to tailor one of the silvan decks to really focus on that? Also some overlap on unique cards among the decks but aslong as this is not ilegal I think it's good for flexibiity among decks.


Jul 27, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2474

It’s legal. As long as you don’t play multiple copies. You might want to add Warden of Healing to combo with Elrond.