The west united, lead by Boromir of Gondor

Olander 139


Tying to see if i can make decks without Aragorn, ally Faramir and tactics Boromir with Leadership Boromir instead.

Creds to Warden of Anor and Tales from the cards for the basic idea of the hammer and the anvil decks. I really hate dropping to around 50 cards need to se what i can do there.

As for piloting the decks, im working on that part.

Comments and ideas welcome they are up for blood of Gondor


Jan 31, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

If you have trouble deciding how to cut down to fifty cards (I have that issue too). Try dropping some of theses important one-of’s, since you won’t reliably be drawing into them anyway; and are apparently not important enough to keep in at three copies.

Jan 31, 2018 knochentrocken 10

I very much like this concept and I am still trying to get my similar fellowship going. I would maybe take out some of the scyring... It's not very potent in a four-player set-up. Also I wouldn't count on getting that much tactis-resources out of Amarthiul. Tome of Atantar might also be something to consider taking out. I don't think you rly ever need Blood of Numenor neigther. I would also reduce the lore allies in the Anvil deck: You can always spend your resources on the Warden or Ioreth (which I would leave in). Have you considered including Expecting Mischief. I am working on a similar concept and it is a key card with four players and this kind of fellowship because it almost never whiffs and combines so well with Thalin/Argalad/Gondorian Spearman/Spear of the Citadel. Worth including 3-6 copies of I think...

Jan 31, 2018 Olander 139

I did a try, I did Blood of Gondor I had to fight to keep floating for 7 turns (took a threat spike first turn so i could kill the black numenorean) then i had basically all cards in the encounterdeck as hidden cards and engaged enermies. Then it took 2 turns to get throught the first questcard. When i had to flip all hidden cards i only revealed 3 or 4 new enermies, survived that and Battle quested for 54 progress on the last quest. I think i can kick the boy out i did not need him as chump..but it feels risky.

Jan 31, 2018 Olander 139

knochentrocken i did not think they were scying just a few secrecycards, dont know what i throw out for Expecting Mischief, suggestions?

Jan 31, 2018 Olander 139

This fellowship handels enemies with ease but willpower is a issue thou.