The Black Riders

gadwag 76


Hobbits based on the Tales from the Cards sample deck, along with some buddies providing spiritual support. These use cards from a single core and The Black riders cards only.

We somehow managed to beat A Shadow of the Past on the first go with this, but it was a near thing.


Apr 04, 2018 Zamomin 73

I would recommend removing Smoke Rings and Hobbit Pipes from the "Spiritual Support" deck. In order to profit from the threat reduction part of the effect, you'd have to attach it to Wandering Took. However, the combo Wandering Took + Hobbit Pipe + Smoke Rings is far too elaborate to work, especially if there are only two Wandering Tooks in the deck. If you attach the pipes to the Hobbit heroes across the other side of the table, then by playing Smoke Rings you only boost their willpower by one, which isn't really worth the cost of two.