Deep Knowledge

Onidsen 1152


Decks: The primary goal of this fellowship is to build Denethor up to be a powerhouse hero, using scrying from the Palantir and manipulation via his card ability to control what comes off of the encounter deck, thus mitigating the worst effects of the encounter deck. With extra actions granted via Unexpected Courage and Heir of Mardil (combined with the thematically appropriate Steward of Gondor), he represents the core mechanic of the fellowship, enabling it to succeed in questing, combat, and protecting it against the worst cards the Enemy has at his disposal. The powerful card draw effects available to both decks ensure that their key cards are available quickly, while discard or filtering effects ensure that your hand doesn't get cluttered with dead cards.

Questing: Thurindir is capable of shouldering a great deal of the questing burden. Each side quest completed improves your ability to complete the next one, and so on until the fellowship has completed all 4 side quests, leaving the Ranger at 6 . Supported by a number of questing allies in both decks, and by cancelling effects, the decks can generally muster enough willpower to complete the quest in short order. In addition, location control effects and staging area damage can help mitigate even locked staging areas, preventing a vicious spiral of out-of-control staging.

Combat: Denethor is the primary defender for both decks. Boosted by Arwen Undómiel, Gondorian Shield, and Protector of Lórien, and protected by A Burning Brand, he becomes nearly impossible to break through. Multiple copies of Unexpected Courage ensure that he can defend almost every attack, and Wardens of Healing can remove what little damage he takes.

To ensure that the decks don't become overwhelmed with enemies, a number of Traps mitigate the ability of enemies to effectively harm the fellowship. Damrod and Anborn power the Trap engine, and the combination of scrying and engagement manipulation via Mablung, Ithilien Archer, and Guardian of Ithilien help ensure that each Trap hits the most effective target.

Lanwyn is the primary attacker. With 2 copies of Legacy Blade, she can reach 9 . However, Yazan, Ithilien Archers, Northern Trackers, and Rhovanion Outriders add additional attack power to the fellowship where necessary.

In addition to powerful attacks, the fellowship features direct damage from Ranger Bows, Forest Patrol, and Yazan. Between the several effects, it can be enough to soften up or eliminate potentially threatening enemies.

Strategy: For Denethor's deck, generally mulligan for a Trap card. However, the combination of A Good Harvest and any of the off-sphere cards is generally good enough to keep. A hand with a lot of card draw effects and one or two key allies or attachments (like Firyal or A Burning Brand) is also generally a keeper.

For Thurindir's deck, the most important card to get out early on is Arwen Undómiel, with Master of the Forge and Legacy Blade only slightly behind. Unless you stand in urgent need of threat reduction, you should use Thurindir's ability to fetch Gather Information. It can, in turn, fetch the other side quests, allowing your heroes to reach their full potential early on.


Jan 22, 2018 The BGamerJoe 5242

I got to play a couple quests with this fellowship and I featured it on my blog:

Nice work!