Hobbits run, Rohan hits

Roka 1695


A problem with the Rohan staging area attack with Éomer and Fastred is that you have to coordinate multiplayer decks very well. It would be great if other decks also had the ability to return enemies to the staging area. So Pippin in a hobbit deck would be a great combination. In this way, I also could test the new Tom Cotton.

Strategy: Mulligan for Steward of Gondor, which goes on Eomer, and card draw. Gather Information is great and should be used to get Friend of Friends or missing key cards out. An early side quest benefits also your Riders of Rohan and Halfling Bounders. The Hobbit deck should engage early a weak enemy and turtle it to use Tom's ability. Then build up your Hobbit and Rohan allies, boost your defenders (especially Arwen Undómiel is important for sentinel) and attackers. Unexpected Courages should go on Tom or if you don't find a Hobbit Pony on Merry. Don't always use Pippin, these Hobbit Allies with Toms boost, especially Farmer Maggot, can also sometimes kill enemies.