The Hills of Emyn Muil
Wandalf the Gizzard 2562
This is the Fellowship I used to take down THoEM two-handed. That doesn't make them special or anything considering this quests difficulty, but they did their job.
The spirit player mulligans for Northern Tracker and Test of Will. The Lore player Mulligans for Steward of Gondor to put on Frodo. Once you get Amon Hen and Lhaw out of the way, it's a coast to victory if you have a Test of Will handy for Rockslide. On the final turn, in an ideal universe you'd have seen your last VP location with Denethor last round, have a Gildor's Counsel to prevent another from popping up, and immediately explore it with a Strider's Path, Riddermark's Finest, or Ride to Ruin!