LotR Puzzle/Win Condition: core set first turn win


Please use http://www.rot13.com to post what you think is the correct answer. Scenario is as follows:

You are playing Passage through Mirkwood in standard mode. Everything is played according to the rules EXCEPT that whenever you draw cards or a setup hand you chose the cards you get. Win the quest in the first turn. On three....two.....one.....GO!

Edit: this should have sons of arnor instead of the silverlode archers.


Jul 08, 2017 Seastan 45852

Is the advancement to stage 3 still random, or can we pick the stage?

Jul 08, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

You may chose the stage.

Jul 08, 2017 Seastan 45852

  • Cynlre 1 fgnegf jvgu 3k Farnx Nggnpx, 1k Tnaqnys, naq 1k Grfg bs Jvyy.
  • Cynlre 2 fgnegf jvgu 2k Entntnfg'f Phaavat naq 1k Dhvpx Fgevxr.
  • Dhrfg: Dhrfg jvgu rirelbar rkprcg Yrtbynf (11 jvyycbjre). Gurbqerq'f erfbhepr tbrf ba Gurbqerq.
  • Fgntvat: Erirny Rnfg Ovtug Cngeby. Erirny Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja, naq pnapry gur jura erirnyrq rssrpg jvgu Grfg bs Jvyy.
  • Cynlre 2 cynlf 2k Enqntnfg'f Phaavat ba Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja naq Rnfg Ovtug Cngeby.
  • Cynlre 1 cynlf Farnx Nggnpx + Tnaqnys, qrnyvat 4 qnzntr gb Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja.
  • 11 jvyycbjre - 2 (Sberfg Fcvqre) -1 (Byq Sberfg Ebnq)=8 cebterff, nqinapr gb fgntr 2.
  • Geniry: Cynlre 1 cynlf n frpbaq Farnx Nggnpx+Tnaqnys, qrnyvat 4 qnzntr gb Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja.
  • Rapbhagre: Cynlre 2 bcgvbanyyl ratntrf Rnfg Ovtug Cngeby naq cynlf Dhvpx Fgevxr, hfvat Yrtbynf gb xvyy Rnfg Ovtug Cngeby naq nqinapvat gb gur fgntr 3 gung erdhverf lbh gb svaq naq qrsrng Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja. Whfg teno n Sberfg Fcvqre sebz gur qrpx. Cynlre 1 cynlf n guveq Farnx Nggnpx + Tnaqnys, xvyyvat Hatbyvnag'f Fcnja.

Cool puzzle, thanks! I think there are a lot of different ways to solve this one.

Jul 08, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Wow I hadn't thought of that one! Yes, that's correct, but the way I was thinking uses cebgrpgbe bs ybervra and rbjla to advance and then farnx nggnpx with orbea and fba bs neabe. Thanks!

Jul 08, 2017 Seastan 45852

@WandalftheGizzardThat was my first thought, but you can't do that with these decks - you're missing a key card.

Jul 08, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Woops, I actually left that out! Good catch!