Elrond / Gandalf / Glorfindel + Boromir / Legolas / Gimli

Rouxxor 1830


With the released of the new Gimli and Legolas version it is the moment to refresh the two main deck I play. I still have a deck who tank the very beginning of the game (especially with Boromir) and the other one who play allie all though the game and finally do quest or fight.

In this version the fight deck can also counter, have the best threat reduction, double back, and more draw engine thanks to elven light. It it really more pleasant to play. It is a little bit more efficient than my Boromir/legolas/Denethor against majority of scenario but a little less against some of the hardest one.

Gandalf deck just got an udapte because I'm unable to play that Gimli ally anymore. I want the second asfaloth back because it is a really good engine to handle location in staging area, and it can at last participate in quest by putting two on the active location. Another option is to play a Ghan-Buri-gan.