Riders of Rohan
Onidsen 1152
This is a two-handed Rohan fellowship designed around Elfhelm's ability to boost the stats of , , and heroes with a mount attachment.
Every hero in the fellowship has a mount slotted for their use, and liberal use of songs and readying effects ensures that they make the most of their boosted stats.
The Spirit/Lore deck uses Gríma and Théoden to reduce the cost of Rohan allies, and is focused around providing questing support and the standard utility tricks. However, with a sentinel character from across the board tanking attacks, Théoden can strike for up to 7 , so the deck is not helpless in combat.
The deck also runs using Gamling to recycle various discard-to-use effects on the Rohan allies, in particular, Escort from Edoras for the high willpower-to-cost ratio or Westfold Horse-Breaker for extra readying in a dangerous combat situation.
An opening hand is looking for a willpower ally or two, and either Snowmane or Windfola for willpower boosting. A hand with Gléowine or Deep Knowledge but missing other important synergy pieces is good enough to hold onto.
The Leadership/Tactics deck takes Erkenbrand as an all-comers defender, and Éomer as a powerful attacker, and provides the combat support for the pair. With Firefoot and Guthwine, Eomer can attack for up to 10, and then splash any extra damage over onto another enemy. And then he can return an ally from the discard pile to hand.
The allies provide extra defenders or attack power, and are generally expensive, but the deck provides a number of ways to generate extra resources to pay for them.
Armored Destrier is absolutely essential for this deck, and a hand that includes it should almost always be kept. Other good cards to look for in an opening hand are Dúnedain Warning, Firefoot, Prepare for Battle, and Captain's Wisdom.