The Lord of the Rings Saga - Campaign Mode


This is my first stab at a Fellowship - any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've only recently gotten into this LCG and three friends and I are going to attempt the Lord of the Rings Saga from start to finish. I built these decks with theme in mind, but they may be somewhat limited due to me not having all adventure packs yet.

Two of the decks make up the members of the fellowship (minus Frodo ofcourse) and the other two more of a supporting cast. Later in the saga when Aragorn is the rotating hero, I plan on exchanging him with Theodred and possibly turning the Hobbit deck into an Ent focused theme, as seen in the sideboards. The fourth deck - Rangers of Gondor, is the one I've struggled with the most. So I'd love suggestions on what to do there particularly. I've also considered turning it into a Gondor deck with Leadership Boromir and just dropping the ally version of him from the hobbit deck.

I also plan on doing something similar for The Hobbit Saga using the same campaign mode rules - though I'm not sure if those rules exist for that saga. Thanks for looking, and again please let me know if you see any glaring weaknesses!


Jun 26, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Beravor works great as a substitute for Aragorn as well. It's like a free card a round with Legolas.