Hobbit Decoy


This is so much fun to play together. Once Song of Eärendil gets onto one of the Hobbits, and especially once Wandering Took goes in play, threat is not an issue for the elves. This takes full advantage of Haldir of Lórien's ability to attack into either the Hobbits' engagement area, or the staging area. Load him up with Dúnedain Mark for extra strength, as well as a Bow of the Galadhrim to maximize his attack, and send all other ranged characters to attack the Hobbits' enemies. Fatty is the Hobbits' typical defender, but be sure to save Feigned Voices and Feint for the big dudes. Silvan Tracker keeps the Elves healed up, and you can typically use Galadhrim Healer to help the fragile Hobbits.

Depending on the quest, you may want to sideboard A Test of Will and Map of Earnil in case it has some nasty treacheries.


Apr 18, 2016 mndela 417

Sure! Very fun. And epic last rounds in 3b Anduin. First, using Pippin ability up to 4 times! And after, using Hobbit Sense + 2 copies of Pursuing the Enemy + 3 or 4 silvan ranged. Poor orcs!!! (+10!)

Apr 19, 2016 WanderingTook 1407

As an unapologetic fan of the Hobbits, I fully endorse this Fellowship!

I posted a couple of Pippin decks on BGG a while back, but I'm seeing a lot of good improvements here. Island Amid Perils is an especially clever addition.

Interesting use of Merry over Frodo. I'd never tried that because I was afraid that I'd need to use his action for the willpower more than his ability. I guess Hobbit Pony really comes in handy.

The Silvan deck is fun too! It's amazing to see what they are capable of even when they leave Galadriel at home.

Nicely done!

Apr 19, 2016 Lecitadin 205

Wow... If only I played solo 2 handed... tried it once... melted my brains.. and the games lasted for more than 90 minutes....

Apr 19, 2016 mndela 417

I might add Great Yew Bow for Legolas, sometimes he remains iddle at the end of the round. And Silvans could kill more enemies than if only Haldir attacks to staging.