A constantly tweaking BoF Fellowship

Dalcon 9


I'm trying to create a BoF fellowship that can handle any scenario, any quest, etc. It's a bit of a challenge but I love working within the restrictions of BoF as it's just a fun concept to me. That being said, all Thoughts/suggestions are always welcome!


Jan 22, 2025 doomguard 2190

looks solid, i think the biggest problems would be szenarios like dreadnought on hard where u can only reduce thread by 1 each round.

would perhaps add a 2. Helm of Secrecy in the A deck to swap in Galadriel for longterm adventures where constantly thread reducing by 1 is needed. would exchange for a Envoy of Pelargir

Jan 22, 2025 Dalcon 9

@doomguard wonderful!! Thank you so much for your advice, that seems like a good idea, I think threat/questing power is my biggest concern at the moment so that seems like a great idea, I'm going to take your suggestion and put in helm of secrecy in deck A subbing out an Envoy of Pelargir as you recommended

Jan 22, 2025 doomguard 2190

i like at your fellowship that it has nearly all the top tierheroes, and it have a good chance against fortress of nurn with 3 top defender and willpower of 15 from the start + eowyn who kills the first from start engaged enemy and Thurindir who becomes better with each sidequest wich are plenty in fortress of nurn (and take Double Back at start). perhaps 2 Legacy Blade could help if attack is an issue. if it is i would change for each 1 Heed the Dream and The Long Defeat

Jan 22, 2025 Dalcon 9

@doomguardthis is brilliant! I'm going to update it with your recommendations