Rangers Unite!

Zatara 194


These two decks combined allow players to quickly trap enemies. Both decks include Forest Snare allowing you to trap engaged enemies with a huge success rate. The Dunedain deck requires buildup and the Gondor deck allows that to happen very successfully.


Apr 16, 2016 Zatara 194

Played these decks against Peril in Pelargir and they performed amazingly!

May 03, 2016 MDuckworth83 3698

Wow, that's a cool pair of decks! I've always thought about trying to pair Dunedain with my beloved Ithilien Ranger/Trap decks. I might have to give this a run, thank you.

May 05, 2016 Zatara 194

Thanks! They work well together. I have made a few changes to these decks after more play. Most of the changes were to the Dunedain deck. For example I added some treachery cancellation.