The Line Unbroken - The Antlered Crown


The Line Unbroken is my Progression-style playthrough of the LOTR LCG - two-handed, going through each quest using only cards which were available at the time of the release (though following up-to-date rules/errata), and trying to show off as much of the card pool as possible, including for the vast majority of the quests, using the new hero(es) in the boxes where they were released.

These were the pair of decks for The Antlered Crown.


Mar 16, 2024 Sir RageQuit 31

How do these decks quest? My experience is you need very strong questing out of the gate, and these allies for both players seem to have almost no questing. Most are 0 or 1 Willpower.

Mar 17, 2024 Diamondore12 33

@Sir RageQuit Well Celeborn boosts all Silvan allies with +1 for the round they enter play and Silvans typically center around bouncing in and out of play meaning they will be getting boosted that way often via The Tree People, Island Amid Perils, Feigned Voices, Pursuing the Enemy, and even good ol' Sneak Attack. Additionally all allies controlled by deck 1 don't exhaust to commit to the quest when they enter play thanks to Galadriel so they can almost always quest without fear that turn. Hands Upon the Bow gives the option to kill a revealed enemy after staging but in the action window before calculating if you've quested successfully which can also help. Additionally Light of Valinor, Unexpected Courage, and Wingfoot can let the heros quest and then ready themselves for combat/using their abilities.