Hirgon Brings the Bear Calvary

frozen 264


This is a Rohan, mount-based Fellowship that I've been bringing against the Ered Mithrin cycle. It's definitely tweaked for that cycle, since it makes extensive use of side quests, produces a mega-defender, and features large amounts of location control, but I think it could do well elsewhere too.

The Elfhelm deck's job is to find side quests early and power up Erkenbrand. Mulligan for Armored Destrier, since it immediately gives Erkenbrand 2 defenses at 4. It's worth grabbing with Gather Information if you need to. Otherwise use the money you earned to recur Gandalf with Reinforcements and Snowbourn Scout or Grimbold with Gúthwinë. Typically I use Gandalf for card draw, but eventually you'll probably need his threat reduction. The Storm Comes helps pay for our few offsphere allies and helps the 2nd deck with resource smoothing. I typically play the first Song of Travel on Théoden so he can start questing for 4.

The other deck's job is to handle the majority of the attacking. Snowmane is a key card so we can use Theoden's willpower and get to 4, but I typically dig for Legolas for the card draw. Windfola is also very good, getting Eowyn up to 6 right away. Use Hirgon as you would expect to bring in our bear calvary for cheap.

It's been a very fun fellowship to play, it's beaten every Ered Mithrin quest in a couple tries, up to Ghost of Framsburg. Its main weakness is definitely the Weighed Down treachery.


Aug 30, 2024 doomguard 2190

if thread is the problem, why not adding some The Galadhrim's Greeting or Favor of the Valar?

would add Sneak Attack gives more uses of Gandalf

would swap the colours of Théoden and Éowyn to Théoden and Éowyn then you start with lower thread and your allies are cheaper.

Aug 30, 2024 frozen 264

Threat isn't always a problem, particularly if Double Back gets cleared, if I do use Gandalf for threat reduction it's maybe only once. Adding Sneak Attack for more Gandalf casts would absolutely increase the power of the deck. It's a combo I typically avoid myself or I'll end up playing it too much, but good recommendation for others.

As for Eowyn and Theoden, I chose it the way that I did because I wanted Elfhelm to boost their more useful stats first. That deck also only has 6 Rohan allies in its current iteration, so the discount wouldn't do much.

But switching them around and going heavier into Tactics Rohan allies would be an interesting branch to explore off of this fellowship. Also noticed that Deorwine could be an interesting pick. Give him a Hauberk of Mail, and the mono-leadership deck has plenty of resources.