A Reasonably Thematic (RCO) Saga - CotR Episode 232

Shellin 3302


In Episode 232 of Cardboard of the Rings, we discussed whether it was possible to build a "reasonably thematic" fellowship of two decks that could tackle the LotR saga with minimal sideboarding needed. This was the idea that I came up with for the show and then decided to build and play a couple times to see if it would work. I went revised content only on this as well, so there were quite a few limitations put into place that hinder the decks from being truly excellent, but they perform pretty admirably in the Saga quests that I tried them against.

The biggest issue is the end of the campaign, so there is a decent bit of sideboarding needed for Mount Doom in particular with the Gandalf deck to have fewer characters on the table and more ways to boost Willpower. Having Beregond and Eowyn as interchangeable options for their sphere depending on what you need in the quest is pretty helpful, and if you're willing to sideboard a bit more you can even put them both into Spirit or both into Tactics for a quest or two if you really need more combat or questing help for a particular scenario.

The decks themselves are pretty standard and straight-forward, not relying on many combos to get rolling. Thematically I think it is really tricky to say you're going to run the same two decks through the whole Saga since you obviously have the splitting Aragorn and Frodo paths, so this is about as good as I could come up with, using Beregond and Eowyn as thematic stand-ins for Gondor and Rohan in the story.


Sep 02, 2024 Marctimmins89 116

Very glad to see both decks have a single copy of Ally Elrond included.