A family of elf-friends.

wehehe 1299


This is the Fellowship of Silvans that my partner and I have had the most fun playing with.

Both decks are heavy reliant on Elf-friend, that's why there are 3 copies of them in both. Usually we play the first one on Prince Imrahil, so, with his ability he will be able to pick any silvan in the deck. Thanks to The Elvenking (which is normally played on Thranduil), and Feigned Voices, that ally can be returned to hand instead of shuffled again into the deck. Prince Imrahil is also the target of the weapons, enabling Foe-hammer. He usually quests only if a Naith Guide is played.

The second Elf-friend goes to Lothíriel. Thanks to that, we can use an "enter play" effect for free every round. Note that Lothíriel shuffles the ally into the deck "At the end" of the questing phase, so you can quest with an ally, and use a The Tree People or Island Amid Perils to return it to hand instead of shuffling it. Island Amid Perils is specially great with Haldir of Lórien. Playing The Elvenking on Lothíriel instead of Thranduil is a great idea in some scenarios if you need to abuse an specific ally "enter play" ability (such as Woodland Courier if there are any locations with nasty travel effects).

The lore-spirit deck has a great threat management, and handles almost all the questing. Elrond is the target for the Light of Valinor, so he can block if needed, but usually this deck should not get engaged to enemies. The first target of this deck is to find and put into play a Silvan Tracker, so all silvan and Elf-friend characters can be healed 2 each end of turn (thanks to Elrond). Keep in mind that Elrond is not a silvan, so it won't heal at the end of the round if he has no Elf-friend on him (that's where the 3rd copy goes). Anyway, the deck also has Galadhrim Healer for more healing.

Host of Galadhrim are great for big push in some rounds, specially thanks to Galadriel, which allow all your allies to use their buffed stats both in the questing and combat phases.

The leadership-tactic deck is a little bit more straightforward. Steward of Gondor is usually better played on Imrahil, to ensure it has the resources to activate his ability, although playing it on Thranduil for a faster setup of Armored Destrier and Ancestral Armor isn't a bad idea.

Sometimes you want to use Prince Imrahil's ability it even if you don't need that ally's stats, just to have an extra body to return to your hand. Remember that thanks to Thranduil, you can play an ally at the combat phase without the need of the resource matching, so you can just spend the excess of resources from Imrahil here. Also, keep in mind that Prince Imrahil has the "warrior" trait, so, even without Elf-friend, he can pick Galadhon Archer, Defender of the Naith, Marksman of Lórien or Legolas

Once Thranduil has an Ancestral Armor and an Armored Destrier, you can easily block almost every enemy. The other deck will usually play a Cloak of Lórien and give the Arwen Undómiel bonus to Thranduil also if she is in play, allowing you to block for a total of 7, and up to 3 (normal block + ready from + Armored Destrier + The Elvenking) + number of attached Unexpected Courage times with sentinel.

The decks feel quite solid, and they are very fun to play.