Hobbits and Rangers
Sephirath 21
My toughts of this deck were to make Faramir and Fatty Bolger somehow work and provide enough synergy to make them usefull. I understand that F.B is a unliked character in his ways. I want to show that those characters can be veary strong if you build the right decks, and I guess you only see them working if you adjust multiple decks on that certain strategy.
And the called strategy is as follows: with the "pushing them into traps" deck you try to use Fastred to stay relatively low with your threat and push enemies back to the stagging area, which also helps Faramir´s ability. Furthermore, Fastred can also push an enemy into a unnatached trap this way!
The "Leading the way in silence" deck makes full usage of the three hobbits heros, keeping the threat very low with hobbit pipes, smoke rings and galadrihm´s greetings. The dwarven tomb allows you to use them again. Using one of those cards while you have 3 hobbit pipes attached gives you a lot of benefits.
There are also 3 copies of gondorian shields, which can be attached to Damrod, Faramir, Fastred or even Fatty Bolger. Guthlaf also triggers both of his effects because there will be a rohan and gondor hero in play.
You attach horn of Gondor either on F.B to allow the dwarven tomb, smoke rings, hobbit pipe- combo or on Merry to allow him to pay for Boromir and Farmer Maggot.
And here comes Fatty Bolger in play!: If an enemy engages the "Pushing them into traps" deck, you can put that enemy back into the staging area to allow the "Leading the way in silence" deck to engage it optionally next round and maybe trigger Pippins effect. And Fatty Bolger allows you to ignore the resistance of that enemy for the quest phase next round!
Furthermore, the "Pushing them into traps" deck owns 3x Radagast's Cunning 3x Secret Paths and 3x Elf-Stone and 3x ancient mathom, which combos with the effect of Fatty Bolger, because he can make the difference on putting progress on the active location or not, which helps the activation of the elf-stones and ancient mathoms.
Combine that idea with the 3X Erebor Hammersmiths and you have a cycle of attaching the elve-stones and ancient mathoms, bringing out allies, drawing cards and recycling them to your hand.