The Old Forest

Lodan 7


Used these two decks to defeat The Old Forest two handed. Stole and modified the Dunedain Trappers deck from Seastan.


Jan 18, 2017 Seastan 45852

Nice fellowship :)

Did you cut out Daeron's Runes for thematic reasons? Because a 53 card deck with Daeron's Runes is actually more consistent than a 50 card deck without it.

Jan 18, 2017 Lodan 7

I have a love hate relationship with Daeron's Runes. I HATE to discard cards. I can see a use for every card I have, so if I have to discard a card, it's like Sophie's choice for me. Maybe I'm just weak willed, but I prefer not to play with Daeron's Runes just so I don't have to make that choice.