The Line Unbroken - Into Ithilien
Warden of Arnor 6023
The Line Unbroken is my Progression-style playthrough of the LOTR LCG - two-handed, going through each quest using only cards which were available at the time of the release (though following up-to-date rules/errata), and trying to show off as much of the card pool as possible, including for the vast majority of the quests, using the new hero(es) in the boxes where they were released.
These were the pair of decks for Into Ithilien.
Attempt 1: Attempt 2:
Great decks for the scenario. MUCH better than the Nightmare decks you have listed. For some reason, the Nightmare decks were totally useless against this scenario in non-Nightmare mode. A strong suggestion is to get rid of Envoy of Pelargir in deck two. You can't have 6 Envoys because only 3 exist. Also, you can't have 2 Shadow of the Past for each of these decks, since only 3 exist in total. (this was a tremendous error on both counts). As a replacement, put in 2 copies of Asfaloth and 2 copies of The Galadhrim's Greeting into the second deck (which completely eliminates the Envoys of Pelargir and one Shadow of the Past).