Into Fangorn - Progression

nttArc 238


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Apr 04, 2024 gibby290 1

My wife and I are VERY happy to see you two back!

Apr 04, 2024 nttArc 238

@gibby290 Thanks! I'm glad that you are enjoying our decks. We had gotten away from this for a long time. We are trying to play again here and there. I am not writing anything up for our decks or experience anymore because it takes time but I am posting our fellowships once we beat a scenario. Next up is Nightmare version of The Hills of Emyn Muil. I haven't built decks yet but you should be able to find them here once we get around to playing. I own every expansion and adventure pack so I will get to them all eventually. I don't think our decklists are optimal but I'm happy you find them useful, and you can go into it knowing they already beat the scenario at least one time!