Rescue Party


Erestor got lost in his books again. Unaware of the danger drawing near he got his page turning hands in Iron Shackles. And since Nazgûl are illiterate, the envious wrath of Dol Guldur fell beastily upon him. Luckily not all of us are just so inky kinky and who better to get rid of those Iron Shackles than the Iron masters themselves? There's no water near but a Shipwright joined the party for a hand of water beneath the bow and fresh card wind in the sails.


Feb 18, 2024 LordOfLórien 23

I first tried the combat deck on its own, but soon it was clear it lacked lots of Willpower. So I decided to add one of my older decks that was able to heal and quest.

Feb 19, 2024 doomguard 2190

interesting herosetup at the dwarfes. i think, with Dáin Ironfoot it would be better, but nevertheless interesting setup. no matter if with or without Dáin Ironfoot, the King Under the Mountain should be added, it helps with mining and carddraw. so good. the Ring Mail or Raiment of War are very good fightingattachments not only for heroes it can also go on some allies and the Longbeard Sentry becomes awesome with it.

at the elves i would replace 2 ioreth with 2 Warden of Healing and max Narya to 3 would consider the Imladris Stargazer usable for the dwarfes to make the most out of Well-Equipped (a Citadel Plate for free is great ^^)

Feb 20, 2024 LordOfLórien 23

Thanks for the suggestions! I deliberately passend on Dáin, since every Dwarf deck included him so far. My main goal was to play Thorin S, and then I noticed that I never used Gimli ally nor MotK so it was a good start. So far I did not really need Gimli's Tactics version so I could pass on Thorongil.

Who would you put Raiment and Ring Mail on? I had it in the deck first, but I found that I wanted to use Dwarves Shield for resources instead, and then of course Citadel Plate to max it out. Longbeard Sentry is the only target I could use it on, since Gimli's restricted slots are already taken.

You are definitely right about King under the Mountain and Imladris Stargazer. With Protector of Lórien on Gimli I have sufficient cards to let Gimli exactly get 1 DMG every attack.

Feb 20, 2024 doomguard 2190

thalin, thorin s, and azain are also warriors for Raiment of War and Ring Mail can go to every dwarf

Feb 20, 2024 LordOfLórien 23

For Thalin it is useful indeed. With Thorin I have two Axes in mind and Azain should ideally attack as well. So priority goes to equipping Gimli and getting out some Allies, anything else is a blocker for card draw. Yet maybe that changes once I got King under the Mountain (which needs to be paid for first).