core-gandalf every round
doomguard 2191
try to play a Gandalf every round preferable with galadriel so he can quest for free and be ready for combat.
this can be done by using Elf-friend + an event or The Elvenking to get Gandalf back on hand to play again next round. with bard you get the Elf-friend also back in hand, so it can be done every round after if enough res is availaible.
in this fellowship you are expected to have 2 sets of cards (need 6 Elf-friend, 6 Sneak Attack, 6 Resourceful, 6 Gandalf, 6 Timely Aid) if only 1 set is avaailaible these cards have to be replaced, and its perhaps better to have only 1 deck in secrecy.
order of things to optimize:
0.use Daeron's Runes if no Gandalf or Timely Aid is in hand
- if galadrieldeck has Timely Aid play in the planning, hope for Gandalf
- if galadrieldeck has Gandalf in hand, play it (possible with Denethor even without Steward of Gondor or Resourceful
- if 1 or 2 is done play Elf-friend on him nevertheless from who, if no one has Elf-friend or the res can be used better play Born Aloft if possible
- if galadrieldeck has no gandalf, play Timely Aid with bard-deck, if no aid, and gandalf in hand, use Captain's Wisdomto play gandalf
- if Steward of Gondor is in hand, play on Galadriel
- both play Resourceful if able
- if no Steward of Gondor check if Errand-rider can help
sometimes a Sneak Attack Gandalf in the ressource-phase help with cards or threadreducing to play a gandalf in planning.
end of combat:
use one of the events or The Elvenking to get (exhausted)gandalf + Elf-friend back or use Born Aloft if in play
here is a version with 1 set of cards: