Siege with Elves, Men and Dwarves


This deck is specifically made for Peril in Pelargir. The highest priority of the fellowship is to set up Glorfindel with Light of Valinor and Asfaloth. Gimli has to take the scroll and take damage (undefended) immediately, so he can lose it. If you're lucky you can get Citadel Plate within two turns. Well-Equipped and Master of the Forge can help with that.


Dec 04, 2023 doomguard 2191

Long Lake Trader can help to get Citadel Plate 1. round on Gimli

(play for 2 on Beregond then shift with ally to gimli, bifur needs a res from other deck to pay ally)

Raven-winged Helm is allways good on Beregond (free)