Revised Only Dunedain and Support
Sackmoney 58
The goal of this is to build a nice Dunedain deck from the little I have purchased. This is made from only the Revised Core, Angmar Awakened, and Fellowship boxes, and if needed, the few Fellowship cards could be replaced as well. I'm still new to deck-building, and I'm sure each deck could be further streamlined, but having played a bit with these, the decks work well enough together for my satisfaction. One problem I ran into early on was card draw for the Dunedain deck. Beravor and Gleowine were supposed to help alleviate this, but I didn't like having to use Beravor all the time for card draw. This led me to bring in Arwen and Elven-light, which substantially helps with the card draw issues I'd been facing.
In the early game, aim to play Steward on one of the lore heroes, as that deck is full of expensive allies and Forest Snares. Eowyn and Arwen combine well for getting lots of willpower early, but I often quest with Beravor and Erestor as well, and sometimes Aragorn too. The fastest way to get the Dunedain deck good defenders is to play Derndingle Warrior, preferably with Wellinghall Preserver(s) also coming into play. After a couple of enemies have been engaged, Heir of Valandil should help you afford Guardians of Arnor and Northern Trackers, which I find better than the Warden of Annuminas in the early-to-mid game period. Forest Snares are always a priority, because the more enemies the Dunedain deck is engaged with, the more powerful it becomes. With an unexpected courage for either Amarthiul or Aragorn, you can handle quite a few enemies engaged with you. The support deck should also have some heroes with decent willpower, and Wardens of Annuminas can be played mid-to-late game to give you a substantial (4-6) willpower boost and ensure you get over the line.
Other notes: if an enemy does get through to the support deck, Aragorn can pull it over by destroying an enemy he's engaged with. As for defending that enemy's attack, the Guardians of Arnor and Derndingle Warriors have sentinel, but sometimes you just need to chump an ally or not quest with Beravor or Erestor. The Curious Brandybucks actually make great cheap-as-free chumps if they come into your hand at the right time. I also never found the Fornost Bowman to be very helpful because I'm able to deal decent amounts of damage already and am usually focused on keeping some engaged enemies alive. If you're going into a boss fight at the end of a scenario, it might not be a bad idea to sub one in.