Thicked of Spears every round

openMfly 242


This two decks play Thicked of Spears every round. Take a Mulligan for Thicked. The second deck takes a Mulligan for Heed the Dream.

Hama deck: 6 cards --> Mulligan 7 cards --> Thicket Erestor Deck: 6 cards --> Mulligan 10 cards --> Head the Dream --> Thicked Chance to get Thicked on first round is very high.

Aragorn get ressources from Arwen, Mablung from Denethor. Engage Enemies and get more ressources with Mablung. You can play Thicked every round and have ressources left for other cards.

Deck 2 plays allys to get Willpower. Aragorn, Hama and tactic allys destroy enemies blocked by Thicked.

In this combo the chance to get Thicked is really high and paying for it is no problem.

Carn Dum was beaten with a smiling face :) But kill enemies befor getting to stage 2 (Shadow Cards rise your thread).

I think, this decks can beat many adventures without problem.


May 15, 2017 Seastan 45864

Nice combo. Denethor/Arwen/Erestor is a very good lineup for a support deck. I like how you can transfer resources from the support deck to the Hama deck.

If you are looking for a solo deck that does the same thing, you can check out this one: