Watcher in the Water - Renewed Friendship Test
Box of Hats 717
I'm trying to find a home for Renewed Friendship. In this two player Fellowship designed with Watcher in the Water in mind, dealing with the tentacles is at the forefront of design.
Thalin + Gondorian Spearman + Spear of the Citadel can take care of three health tentacles before they attack. Various methods pump defense to allow players to simply wall them off. Traps can deal with them permanently.
Renewed Friendship is designed to pair with Elrond + Vilya, Denethor, or Peace, and Thought to ready heroes for extra value. Given the nature of the quest, Denethor plays a pivotal role.
Since Watcher in the Water has a very dangerous turn one staging area and is a fairly short quest, Wealth of Gondor is also relevant for powering out a quick turn one defense. In practice, the game ends before hands are empty, so a small boost to resources is worth the card.