Beregond and Eowyn - Undefeatable !(?)
openMfly 242
Arwen and Denethor generate ressources, Erestor for Card Draw. Get more and more attachments on Beregond (defend) and Eowyn (willpower and fight). Master of Forge helps with more attachments. Arwen gives ressources to Galadriel and Denethor to Beregond. Mulligan for steward.
Beregond and Galadriel can lower threat. Galadriel draws cards. Herugrim is a key card. Eowyn is a killer. With Herugrim every round.
This decks are very strong: Nightmare Carrock (2nd), Nightmare Returne to Mirkwood (1st), Carn Dum (2nd). More will follow.
The Erestor/Arwen/Denethor lineup is one of my favorites. Looks strong!