Infinite Resources
Seastan 45852
The infinite resources combo relies on the following initial setup:
X Total dwarves in play
Y leadership heroes (at least one of which is a dwarf)
Steward of Gondor on the leadership dwarf hero, along with Rod of the Steward
Hand: (nothing specific required here)
DecK: Empty
Discard: Second Breakfast, We Are Not Idle, Lure of Moria
In Play: Tome of Atanatar
Discard Tome and choose Breakfast(-1 resource), which brings back Tome into hand and puts Breakfast in the deck
H: Tome
K: Breakfast
D: Idle, Lure
Play Tome -(4-Y)
K: Breakfast
D: Idle, Lure
P: Tome
Trigger Tome on Idle (+X), drawing Breakfast
H: Breakfast
K: Idle
D: Lure, Tome
Play Breakfast (-1) on Tome
H: Tome
K: Idle
D: Lure, Breakfast
Play Tome -(4-Y)
K: Idle
D: Lure, Breakfast
P: Tome
Trigger Tome on Breakfast (-1) on Tome
H: Tome
K: Breakfast, Idle
D: Lure
Draw 2 with Rod of the Steward (-4)
H: Idle, Tome, Breakfast
D: Lure
Play Tome -(4-Y), then Trigger Lure (-3)
H: Idle, Breakfast
K: Lure
D: Tome
Play Breakfast (-1) on Tome then play Tome -(4-Y)
H: Idle
K: Lure
D: Breakfast
P: Tome
Play Idle (+X), Drawing Lure.
H: Lure
D: Breakfast, Idle
P: Tome
Play Lure (-3)
D: Breakfast, Idle, Lure
P: Tome
We are back at the beginning. The net resources of the loop is:
-(4-Y)+X-1-(4-Y)-1-4-(4-Y)-3-1-(4-Y)+X-3 = 2X+4Y-29
With X=9 dwarves and Y=3 leadership heroes this gives:
18+12-29=+1 resource
You can do it with less dwarves if you give someone like Glóin Sword-thain (then Y=4), but I found that just playing 2 more dwarves was easier and has the same net effect (X+=2).
You can also use even more jank to make the loop cheaper by using a more efficient alternative to the Rod of the Steward. Erebor Hammersmith/Born Aloft/Legacy of Durin/Lord of Morthond can net you 2 cards for 2 resources instead of 4. But again, it's easier to just put in more dwarves to boost the Idle, netting you more resources each loop.
Ah yes, I have done this with a 4 deck fellowship where the generated resources were used to recycle Out of the Wild and empty the encounter deck. It's fun for a while :].