Infinite Resources

Seastan 45852



The infinite resources combo relies on the following initial setup:

X Total dwarves in play
Y leadership heroes (at least one of which is a dwarf)
Steward of Gondor on the leadership dwarf hero, along with Rod of the Steward
Hand: (nothing specific required here)
DecK: Empty
Discard: Second Breakfast, We Are Not Idle, Lure of Moria
In Play: Tome of Atanatar

Discard Tome and choose Breakfast(-1 resource), which brings back Tome into hand and puts Breakfast in the deck
H: Tome
K: Breakfast
D: Idle, Lure

Play Tome -(4-Y)
K: Breakfast
D: Idle, Lure
P: Tome

Trigger Tome on Idle (+X), drawing Breakfast
H: Breakfast
K: Idle
D: Lure, Tome

Play Breakfast (-1) on Tome
H: Tome
K: Idle
D: Lure, Breakfast

Play Tome -(4-Y)
K: Idle
D: Lure, Breakfast
P: Tome

Trigger Tome on Breakfast (-1) on Tome
H: Tome
K: Breakfast, Idle
D: Lure

Draw 2 with Rod of the Steward (-4)
H: Idle, Tome, Breakfast
D: Lure

Play Tome -(4-Y), then Trigger Lure (-3)
H: Idle, Breakfast
K: Lure
D: Tome

Play Breakfast (-1) on Tome then play Tome -(4-Y)
H: Idle
K: Lure
D: Breakfast
P: Tome

Play Idle (+X), Drawing Lure.
H: Lure
D: Breakfast, Idle
P: Tome

Play Lure (-3)
D: Breakfast, Idle, Lure
P: Tome

We are back at the beginning. The net resources of the loop is:

-(4-Y)+X-1-(4-Y)-1-4-(4-Y)-3-1-(4-Y)+X-3 = 2X+4Y-29

With X=9 dwarves and Y=3 leadership heroes this gives:

18+12-29=+1 resource

You can do it with less dwarves if you give someone like Glóin Sword-thain (then Y=4), but I found that just playing 2 more dwarves was easier and has the same net effect (X+=2).

You can also use even more jank to make the loop cheaper by using a more efficient alternative to the Rod of the Steward. Erebor Hammersmith/Born Aloft/Legacy of Durin/Lord of Morthond can net you 2 cards for 2 resources instead of 4. But again, it's easier to just put in more dwarves to boost the Idle, netting you more resources each loop.


Nov 30, 2016 pokie 86

Ah yes, I have done this with a 4 deck fellowship where the generated resources were used to recycle Out of the Wild and empty the encounter deck. It's fun for a while :].

Jul 05, 2017 Rouxxor 1886

@Seastan We discuss about Dol Guldur (and Dol Guldur nightmare) with this fellowship. Since I noticied than you can re-use it with tome in order to gain a lot of turns it seem less impossible than I tought :). But it won't work with this list since you don't play song of Aerendil so it is impossible to play many Doom Hangs Still and don't die because of the threat after that (Aragorn is only once per player ;)). And if Aragorn become prisoner (16,67%) you die, didn't you? So it is not a 100% but this is still interesting :).

About your list I don't see why you play so many unique cards in 3x. It is not like you need a rod of the steward early, a Gloin at the beginning of the game. Why do you have more than one out of the wild and second breakfast?

With the help of Follow Me! you can also play more utility cards and get loops with them in the more lore deck, or just get more chance to finish the combo by playing the attachment cards with the benefits of the doomed cards.

Jul 05, 2017 Seastan 45852

@RouxxorThis deck is not for Dol Guldur. The 3x cards are there for consistency since with 2 deck you can afford the space. Also, when I include Emery and Rallying Cry from the sideboard, all you need is 1 copy of your key cards then you can instantly empty your deck to begin the combo instead of having to draw it.

For Dol Guldur specifically I would make significant changes to the deck that rely on some different loops. I will build that fellowship and link it here.

Jul 05, 2017 Rouxxor 1886

It is not consistency when you don't need the card until your deck is empty, like out of the wild. I don't see how it can help to have more than one. You even don't need it in hand so it can be discarded.

In wich case does Emery + Rallying Cry is side-in? It seem to be an alternative plan, may be better than the original, may be weaker. But I don't see what in the adventures will make you want or not to play them. Did you test with those cards and without?

Jul 05, 2017 Seastan 45852

@RouxxorYou're right about Out of the Wild. These decks were built quickly and not fully optimized. But they were winning 100% of games (with some modifications) so I did not feel motivated to go back and optimize them.

Jul 06, 2017 Seastan 45852

@RouxxorHere, I made a fellowship specifically for Escape From Dol Guldur. Because of the ally restriction I was forced to use some new combos that I have not used before:

Jul 09, 2017 Rouxxor 1886

Why does a favorite and a @Seastan are used for since I haven't be noticed of your answer? O_o. I go there and comment now that I see your post :).