We Quest, You Fight

Veron 104


First Fellowship I publish, so curious to know what ye folks think about!

Allies Are Gathering Fast (Slightly modified version from my previous published one)

Combat focused deck based around resource generation and having a swarm of allies on the table as quickly as possible.

You want to quest with Théodred to trigger his Response, and with Hirgon to use his discount. Théodred resource can be assigned based on cards in hand.

Having allies early on allow you to deal with enemies quite early in the game, triggering Mablung response at least once a turn (ideally twice) (A card I considered was Son of Arnor so to potentially add 3 resources to Mablung in one turn and to remove one enemies from the staging area - I might try sometimes but the 3 cost puts me off a little...).

Other notes on allies:

  • Guthlaf gets both his discount and sentinel traits;
  • Envoy of Pelargir is great and you can target any heroes in your line-up;
  • You can chump Squire of the Citadel with no regrets, and he leaves another resource to play with;
  • Soldier of Gondor is great for card drawing. This deck features 13 Gondor allies so chances to draw one ally are high.
  • Angbor the Fearless is a good 2 cost/2 willpower ally that can help with questing early in the game.

A Very Good Tale will keep the swarm coming.

Lift Your Spirit, Aragorn

Quest deck that really struggles in solo. It needs a dedicated combat deck to work well.

The deck does most of the card draw as the combat deck struggles with it. Lore cards are included as you always expect to have Nenya on Galadriel when this hero is in play. Galadriel herself can draw a card for a player. Ancient Mathom can be effective but less predictable. Pseudo-card draw with Stand and Fight can help this deck with combat or defence if the ally comes from the other deck.

Aragorn reading response is expensive even if he is paired with Théodred. Heir of Mardil works well because you can exhaust it after Théodred generates the resources to ready Aragorn and keep the resource. Naith Guide mainly targets Aragorn with her response.

The biggest issue is that the starting threat is very high so a few Sprit events and allies are needed. Even better if they come with extra willpower for questing.

Putting Celebrían's Stone on Aragorn gives a bit of flexibility on how to pay for cards, allowing Galadriel to save resources to pay for those (few) Lore cards.

Please let me know of any suggestions or modifications to do :)


Apr 04, 2023 NERD 873


Apr 04, 2023 Veron 104

Thank you

Apr 04, 2023 Veron 104

Thank you

Apr 18, 2023 doomguard 2190

i like the Théodred + Hirgon synergy. put in enough 2-cost-allies and play one each round for "free"

good example what mid-tier-heroes can do.

regarding deck/fellowship efficiency i would change a few things: